oke lately dah start practical tak banyak masa for myself,
sometime rasa mcm selekeh sgt sbb keje keje keje 24/7
no have time for myself for doing some facial, scrub, mask
omg !
habiskan masa keje and tido je
sometime makan pon tak
f&b department
all day dgn food
selalu buat keje but tak makan, tgk org makan
siyesly terkeliur
now in my head jus thinking about my special dishes
1st is
damn ! siyesly rasa mcm dah lama tak makan lamb chop,
aku just pegi masuk mama grill for lamb chop but its out of stock then aku oder sirloin,
but its not same :(
pity to me ouh :'(
then second im craving for macaroni cheese secret recipe
this also da lama tak makan
wuuuu :(
sedapnye dapat makan,
fully of cheese
third is CHICKEN !
mcd o kfc
i love both especially mcd
i think if pegi mcd je mesti oder ayam,
kalau tade ayam baru oder beger,
hope esok dapat makan salah satu ni
plisss pliss pliss
i want that badly !!!
klu nk sgt mkn g la mkn..kn dkt ba2 brndam de mcD..
xpn try la mkn mknn arab dpn MMU bkt bruang..org kate sdap gak..dtg mlm sume mknn de..klu siang ns je..xbez r
awk still gne email myeuh93 2 ke?sy nk bknln je..
tp klu dsbbkn awk not single xpela..
nk knln le?klu le ni no sy..0126300437
jum sy treat kt mcD..nk?
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